bonds in such amounts as the directors thereof may deem
expedient, and to secure the payment thereof by mortgage on
all or any part of the property, rights and franchises of said
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 6th, 1894.
AN ACT to amend the Charter of the Brooklyn Savings
Institution of Anne Arundel County.
WHEREAS, The Brooklyn Savings Institution of Anne
Arundel county, a body corporate duly incorporated under
the general incorporation law of Maryland, by certificate of
incorporation of the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel county,
dated on the fourteenth day of July, eighteen hundred and
seventy-four, was, by its said certificate of incorporation,
limited in its existence to the first day of January, nineteen
hundred; and,
WHEREAS, For the best interest of all parties concerned, it is
desirable that the existence of said corporation should be made
perpetual; and,
WHEREAS, Said corporation was, by its certificate of incor-
poration, limited in its purchases of real estate to only so
much thereof as should be necessary to build its banking
house on; and,
WHEREAS, In the purchase of the real estate for that pur-
pose, in order to purchase the same to the best advantage, it
became necessary to purchase a larger lot than was required
for said purpose; which said extra real estate has been since
improved, by said corporation, by the erection of six tenement
houses thereon; and,
WHEREAS, In order to sell tenement houses to the best
advantage, it is necessary that said corporation should pur-
chase additional real estate, to enable it to make proper yards
to said tenement houses; and,