AN ACT to repeal Sections 141, 143, 148 of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Wicomico County," sub-title
"Salisbury," and to re-enact the same with amendments, and
to add three additional sections thereto, to be designated as
Sectiuns 143 A, 143 B and 143 C.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That sections 141, 143 and 148 of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Wicomico County, sub-title "Salis-
bury," be and the same are hereby repealed and re-enacted to
read as follows, and that three additional sections be and are
hereby added and designated as sections 143 A, 143 B and 143 C.
New sections.
141. The treasurer shall receive all money that may be
collected for taxes, fees, fines or otherwise by any law or
ordinance, directly, or through the bailiff, collector, clerk or
police justice, and credit each item under separate heads, and
shall deposit the same in such bank in the city of Salisbury
as the city council may from time to time direct, and make
monthly reports to the said council; and all such moneys shall
be paid out only by order of the council on check or draft
approved by the clerk of the council or president of the
Duties of
board, and countersigned by the said treasurer. He shall sub- ,
scribe to an oath for the faithful performance of his duties,
and give bond to the State of Maryland in the sum of at least
ten thousand dollars, to be approved by the said council, con-
ditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties and such other
conditions the city council may prescribe; and his books shall
be open to inspection by any taxpayer.
Oath and
143. The tax collector, before entering upon the discharge
of his duties, shall subscribe to an oath for the faithful per-
formance of his duties and give bond to the State of Maryland
in the sum of at least twice the amount of taxes levied, to be
approved by the city council, conditioned for the faithful
performance of his duties. He shall collect all ta,xes that may
be levied by law, ordinance or otherwise, and shall pay the
same promptly to the Treasurer or to any one else upon an
order of the city council, signed by the president and clerk of
the council. He shall keep safe and return when demanded
by the city council, his tax assessment books, bills, papers,
receipts and all other papers pertaining to his said office, and
shall make monthly reports to said council of his collections
Oath and
bond of tax