abate all nuisances in or upon the streets, highways, lanes or
alleys, drains or water-courses, or in or upon any lot or lots
adjacent thereto, and provide for imposing a fine or tines upon
any person or persons so offending; to remove or cause to be
removed, or rendered sa'te at the expense of the owner any
ricketty chimneys or other structures that may be regarded as
dangerous; to prevent live stock of any kind from running at
large within the corporate limits, and to provide suitable penal-
ties; to lay a special tax or license on dogs, in the discretion of
the board; to establish and regulate a lock-up for the tem-
porary confinement of violators of the laws and ordinances of
the town; to prohibit or restrain the keeping of bawdy houses
or houses of ill-fame within the limits of the corporation, and
to provide for the punishment of all persons who shall keep,
authorize or suffer to be kept, or knowingly rent for such pur-
poses, any such house or houses of ill-fame; to regulate and
provide for the issuing of licenses or permits for all hawking,
peddling and transient vending of wares, merchandise of every
description (except by sample) within the town limits, except
all such articles of food and provisions, in the hands of the
producer, or articles in the hands of the manufacturer; for the
issuing of licenses to all traveling persons who dispense medi-
cines or medical advice; and shall also have power to demand
license from all itinerant players and showmen exhibiting
within said town, but shall not accept tickets to any such enter-
tainments as payment therefor; shall also have power to regu-
late, restrain or prohibit any theatrical or other public exhibi-
tion on the streets, or indoors, within said town, when the same
shall be deemed demoralizing or otherwise obnoxious or
objectionable; to license saloons, breweries and other places
wliere malt, spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors are sold;
provided, that no greater sum than thirty dollars be charged
for any one license for any of the foregoing objects.
254A. The burgess and commissioners may level, grade and
macadamize the streets and alleys, or any of them, in whole or
in part, and cause bridges or culverts to be made over the
water-courses or hollows in said streets or alleys and crossing
places, of stone or otherwise, at convenient places over the
same; they shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the streets
and alleys in said town, to keep the same in repair and in a
cleanly condition at all times; may provide a judicious system
for lighting the same, and make all or any changes or improve-
ments thereon as shall inure to the public convenience and
benefit within the means authorized and prescribed by the
Power over