of money which he shall receive for the State or be answer-
able for by law, at such times as the law shall direct, then the
said obligation to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full
force and effect." And he shall execute to the State of Mary-
land a separate bond in the penalty of forty thousand dollars,
with at least three sureties to be approved by the County Com-
missioners aforesaid, with the condition "that if the above
bounden ———— shall well and faithfully execute his office of
Treasurer of Anne Arundel county, and shall account for and
pay to the County Commissioners for said county or to their
order the several sums which he shall receive for said county
or be answerable by law, at such times and in such manner as
the law shall direct, then the said obligation to be void, other-
wise to be and remain in full force and virtue in law;" which
bonds shall be renewed at the expiration of two years from the
time such person is so elected or appointed County Treasurer,
and the said bonds, when approved, shall be recorded in the
office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for said county. And
the person so elected or appointed before he enters upon the
duties of his office shall take an oath before the Clerk of the
Circuit Court for said county in form similar to that heretofore
taken by collector of taxes, except as to the title of office, and
to be similarly certified.
In case of the default of the person so elected or appointed
to execute the bonds hereinbefore required and qualify within :
thirty days after his election or appointment, and to execute
the renewal of the bonds within thirty days after the time
the same are hereinbefore required to be renewed, or in the
event of the Treasurer's removal from office or his ceasing to
reside in said county, or his death or resignation during his
term of office, the County Commissioners for said county
shall declare said office vacant, and at once proceed to fill the
same by the appointment of a suitable person to serve as
treasurer until his successor shall be elected at the next general
election thereafter to be held for county officers in said
county, and qualified as hereinbefore required; provided, that
such new treasurer so taking the place made vacant by
removal, death or resignation, shall not collect or take charge
of any of the taxes that may be in the hands of such late
treasurer uncollected, and for which the bond of such late
treasurer is responsible, except as otherwise provided in this
sub-title, but such taxes shall be collected under the existing
laws applicable to State and county taxes where there is death
or resignation; the sureties on any treasurer's bond shall, when
Failure to