Treasurer, who shall hold his office for four years from the
first Monday in May next succeeding the day of his election,
or until his successor is duly elected and qualified; he shall be
ineligible for election to said office as his own successor, and
shall be subject to removal from office by the County Commis-
sioners of said county for any wilful neglect of duty or
misbehavior in office at any time upon conviction in a court of
law. The person so elected County Treasurer shall be col-
lector of all State taxes and all county taxes for whatsoever
purpose, which shall be levied or assessed during; his term of
office; and it shall be his duty to receive and collect all State
and county taxes levied or assessed or put in his hands for
collection, with full power to enforce the payment of the same
by sale or otherwise, and to convey title to any real or personal
property duly sold by him for the payment of State or county
taxes according to law, and receive all money which shall be
due and payable to said county from any sources whatever.
County treas-
The County Commissioners for Anne Arundel County, imme-
diately after the passage of this act, shall appoint a County
Treasurer, who shall hold his office until his successor is duly
elected, as hereinbefore provided, and qualified, and shall be
ineligible for election as his own successor to said office, and
who shall be subject to removal from office at any time by
the County Commissioners of said county for any wilful
neglect of duty or misbehavior in office, upon conviction in a
court of law. The person so appointed County Treasurer
shall be the collector of all State taxes and all county taxes for
whatever purpose, which shall be levied or assessed during his
term of office; and it shall be his duty to receive and collect
all State and county taxes levied or assessed, as aforesaid, or
put in his hands for collection, with full power to enforce the
payment of the same by sale or otherwise, and to convey title
to any real or personal property sold by him for the payment
of State or county taxes according to law, and shall receive all
moneys which shall be due and payable to said county from
any sources whatsoever.
223. The person so elected or appointed County Treasurer
shall give bond to the State of Maryland for the collection of
State taxes placed in his hands for collection in double the
amount of the taxes to be collected by him, with good and
sufficient sureties to be approved by the Governor, with the
condition "that if the above bounden ———— shall well and
faithfully execute his office, and shall account for to the Comp-
troller and pay to the Treasurer of the State the several sums