Jury trial.
shall before trial for the alleged offence pray a jury trial,
or if the State's Attorney for said county shall before the trial
of such alleged offence pray a jury trial on the part of the
State, it shall be the duty of any such justice to commit such
alleged offender for trial in the Circuit Court for the county in
which the offence was committed, at its then session if it be
then in session, or at its next session if it be not then in
session, and to return said commitment or recognizance with
the names and residences of the witnesses for the prosecution
endorsed thereon, forthwith to the clerk of the said court; and
the justice before whom the case is tried shall inform the per-
son charged of his right to a jury trial; and on receiving the
recognizance sent up by the justice, the clerk shall place the
same on the appeal docket and issue subpoenas for the witnesses
named by the justice, and the case shall be tried on the infor-
Right of
mation or the warrant as if on appeal; and if on waiver of
jury trial before the justice and trial before him, either party
shall feel aggrieved, there shall be a right of appeal to the
Circuit Court for the county in which the alleged offence is
charged to have been committed; in case the judgment of the
justice of the peace is against the accused and he shall appeal,
he shall enter into recognizance, with security to be approved
by the justice of the peace; in every case the appeal shall be
taken within ten days after judgment entered.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 6th, 1894.
AN ACT to repeal Sections three hundred and sixteen (316),
three hundred and seventeen (317), three hundred and eigh-
teen (318), three hundred and nineteen (319), three hundred
and twenty (320), three hundred and twenty-one (321), three
hundred and twenty two (322), three hundred and twenty-
three (323), of article four (4) of the Public Local Laws of
Maryland, title "City of Baltimore," sub-title "Fire In-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That sections three hundred and sixteen (316),
three hundred and seventeen (317), three hundred and eigh-