ville and Rockville road, through the lands of Capt. John T.
Fletchall, running on the dividing line between T. R. Hall and
Thomas H. Poole; thence between Samuel Cator and Thomas
H. Poole, continuing between Charles Poole and Thomas H.
Poole; thence between the Misses Talbot and said Thomas H.
Poole; thence between the Protestant Episcopal rectory and
said Thomas H. Poole; thence between Dr. B. W. Walling
and Richard Poole, to the Bealsville road; thence between
F. S. Poole and Mrs. E. W. Poole; thence between Miss
Mattie Poole and J. Sprigg Poole; thence between Charles
T. Grimes and J. Sprigg Poole, to the road leading to
White's Ferry; thence running from said road so as to in-
clude the stable of Mrs. H. Metzgar, betwetn her and Mrs. M.
Fauble; thence between Mrs. H. Metzgar and Joseph Dyson.
to the Edward's Ferry road; thence from said road on the line
between Scott Beall and Leonard Hebron; thence with a
straight line through Dr. Woottan's land to the land of Thos.
N. Gott; thence between Thomas N. Gott and J. T. Norris ;
thence between J. T. Norris and Thomas N. Gott; thence be-
tween Thomas N. Gott and T. R. Hall to the Poolsville and
Rockville road; thence up said road to the beginning, with
the addition thereto of a lot described as follows : beginning
at the southwest corner of the lot bought by the trustees of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, South, from Dr. B. W. Walling
on the Poolsville and Barnesville road, and running east
eighty-three yards; thence north sixty-five yards; thence west
with the line of Robert Moffitt eighty-two yards to the above-
named Poolsville and Barnesville road, and thence with said
road to the beginning, and containing one and one-quarter
acres of land, more or less.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 6th, 1894.
AN ACT to authorize the Governor to appoint an additional
justice of the peace in the first election district of Caroline
County, Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Governor be and is hereby authorized