coupons for interest and said mortgage, and necessary to secure
the holders of said bonds and coupons.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said corporation created under said Mary- :
land Act of Assembly is hereby authorized and empowered to
effect a consolidation with said corporation of the same name,
chartered under said Act of the State of Virginia, and to effect
such consolidation in the manner and upon the terms which
shall be determined upon by the stockholders of the respective
corporations, and that when resolutions for the consolidation
shall have been passed by a majority of the stockholders of
said respective corporations, the two corporations shall become
one corporation, under the name of the Berlin and Lovettsville
Bridge Company, upon the terms stated in the resolutions, and
the consolidated corporation shall at once be invested with all
the rights, titles of its two constitutions.
May consoli-
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That as soon as possible
after the passage of this act, the president of the said Mary-
land corporation shall call or cause to be called, a meeting of
the shareholders of said company, and shall give or cause to be
given by the secretary of the company, to each shareholder,
one week's notice of the time, place and object of such meet-
ing, which notices may be given by the delivery thereof to
shareholders, or by mailing the same to them at their several
places of residence as shown upon the books of the company,
or as otherwise known to said president or secretary.
Meeting of
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That if a resolution or
resolutions providing for such consolidation, shall be passed, a
copy thereof shall be made by the secretary of said Maryland
corporation, and said secretary shall appear before any notary
public resident in Virginia or in Maryland, make affidavit that
said copy is a true copy of the said resolution or resolutions of
consolidation, and the same shall be recorded in the clerk's
office of the Circuit Court for Frederick county, and a copy of
the said recorded resolution, duly certified by said clerk, and
a copy of like resolutions passed by the Virginia corporation,
recorded in the office of the clerk of Loudon county, Virginia,
and certified by him, shall together be evidence of such con-
of share-
holders to
be recorded.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the consolidated
corporation, when the same shall have been formed as afore-
said, shall have full power to do all acts which may be neces-
Powers of