years of age; and if any such proprietor or owners of any such
mill or factory, or manager, agent, foreman or other person in
charge thereof, shall wilfully violate the provisions of this
section, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on
conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than one hundred
dollars for each and every offence so committed, and pay the
costs of prosecution, one-half of the fine to go to the informer
and the other half to the school fund of the county or city in
which the offence shall have been committed; provided, that
nothing in this act shall apply to Frederick, Washington,
Queen Anne's, Carroll, Wicomico, Caroline, Kent, Somerset,
Cecil, Calvert, St. Mary's, Prince George's, Howard, Balti-
more, Worcester and Harford counties.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 6th, 1894.
AN ACT for the aid of the Maryland State Fireman's
WHEREAS, The volunteer firemen throughout the State per-
form deeds of valor and heroism in the saving of life and
property of the citizens of the various communities in the
State, without any compensation or reward; and
WHEREAS, On many occasions volunteer firemen have been
seriously injured, and in some instances killed, while in the
discharge of a duty imposed by a desire for the protection of
others, and in consequence their families are oftentimes placed
in embarrassing circumstances by the inability of the member
thus injured or killed, to provide for the family support;
WHEREAS, The maintaining of the volunteer fire companies
by the firemen themselves, is a great saving to the citizens of
the State, in not being compelled to expend large sums for the
support of a paid fire department; and
WHEREAS, On account of the efficiency of these volunteer
fire companies, much property is saved from destruction, that
is now a source of revenue to the State; and