General Assembly of Maryland, passed at the January session,
eighteen hundred and ninety two, entitled an act requiring the
County Commissioners of Queen Anne's county, on applica-
tion of the Board of School Commissioners of Queen Anne's
county, to levy for and furnish to said School Commissioners
the money necessary to erect and equip a High School build-
ing in Centreville, . in said county, and procure a proper site
for same, be and the. same is hereby repealed.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its' passage.
Approved February 16th, 1894.
AN ACT to provide for the better protection of land owners
and occupants, in Queen Anne's County, from the trespass
of dogs upon their premises.
SECTION 1.Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That whenever the owner or occupant of any land within
the borders of Queen Anne's county, shall find trespassing
upon his, her or their premises, any dog or dogs not in com-
pany with the owner, of said dog, which permission in such
case must be first had and obtained from the owner, owners,
occupant or occupants, as the case may be, said dog found tres-
passing, and with suspicious intent, the owner or occupant of
said land may shoot or otherwise kill or have killed said dog
or dogs, and the owner of said dog or dogs shall not be per-
mitted to bring action of damage to recover against the said
owner or occupant of said lands in a court of law; provided,
that this law is not to apply to fox hounds in or returning
from the chase.
Dogs tres-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date, of its passage.
Approved February 16th, 1894.