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Session Laws, 1894 Session
Volume 480, Page 358   View pdf image (33K)
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Laws of the State of Maryland, and all supplements thereto
and amendments thereof, when an inquisition shall be returned
by the sheriff to the clerk of the court named in the warrant
of the justice of the peace, and filed by said clerk in his office,
unless sufficient cause to the contrary be shown within fifteen
days after said inquisition has been filed, the same shall forth-
with be confirmed by said court; and when an inquisition shall
be finally confirmed said company is hereby authorized to pay
the amount of said valuation into the said court having juris-
diction, after the same shall not have been received when by it
tendered to the party or parties legally entitled thereto; and
the Superior Court of Baltimore city, the Court of Common
Pleas and the Baltimore City Court, and the clerks thereof,
and the sheriff of said city, and the jurors summoned by him
from the inhabitants of said city, and any justice of the peace
of said city, and all parties interested in the exercise of said
powers, shall respectively have the same powers and rights
which are conferred under said article twenty-three, and all
supplements thereof and amendments thereto, upon the
Circuit Court of the counties and the clerks thereof, and the
sheriffs of said counties and the jurors summoned by them
from the inhabitants of said counties, and the justices of the
peace of said counties, and the parties interested in the exercise
of the powers under said article twenty-three, and all supple-
ments thereto and amendments thereof; but before said com-
pany shall exercise within the city of Baltimore any of the
powers granted in this section, it shall first obtain from the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore an ordinance prescribing
the mode, terms and conditions of the location, building and
construction of said railroad within said city.

If ay purchase
other roads

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said company
be and it hereby is authorized and empowered to acquire by
purchase, lease or otherwise, and to manage, improve, maintain
and operate any other railroad or railroads, which railroad or
railroads are hereby authorized to be thus disposed of, man-
aged, improved, maintained and operated, and to connect its
tracks with any other railroad or railroads at any point or
points; and to change its terminus or termini; and to shorten
or extend its railroad or railroads; and to grant to any other
railroad company or companies of this or any other State of
the United States the use of its railroad or railroads, franchises
and other property and possessions, upon such terms as may be
agreed upon between it and such other company or companies,
which company or companies are hereby authorized to make

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Session Laws, 1894 Session
Volume 480, Page 358   View pdf image (33K)
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