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Session Laws, 1894 Session
Volume 480, Page 345   View pdf image (33K)
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AN ACT to repeal Section 127 of Article 23 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Corporations,"
sub-title "Insurance Department," and to re-enact the same
with amendments.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That section 127 of Article 23 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Corporations," sub-
title "Insurance Department," be and the same is hereby re-
pealed and re-enacted so as to read as follows :

SEC. 127. Any person, body politic or corporate, partnership



or association, who or which shall make, negotiate or solicit
within this State, any contract of insurance or shall effect an
insurance or insurances, or pretend to effect an insurance or
insurances, or connect any other person or persons with them
in any policy they may at the time hold, or shall do any busi-
ness of insurance of any kind, or make any guaranty, contract
or pledge for the payment of annuities or endowments or
money, whether the amount thereof be fixed or contingent, to
the families or representatives of any policy or certificate
holder, or the like, or shall advertise or circulate any card,
circular, notice, or open or keep any office for the transaction
of said business, except an insurance broker, duly licensed,
without fully complying with all the provisions of this sub-

Violations of

title of this article, shall be subject to the fines and penalties
imposed bv section 138 of this article; and the term "Insur-'
ance Company," as used in this article, shall be taken to
embrace every corporation, association, partnership or in-
dividual engaging in such business; and every such corpora-
tion, association, partnership or individual making any engage-
ment for the payment of any money or other benefits in the
event of sickness, accident or death, or other contingency,
either to the member, policy or certificate holder, or by what-
soever name the same may be known, or to their families or
representatives, or entering into any contract or agreement in
which the chances or probabilities of the duration of life, or
the rate of mortality or hazard of occupation are in any way
involved as an element or condition of such contract or agree-
ment, shall be deemed and taken to be a life insurance com-
pany, within the meaning -of this article, and shall be subject
to all the requirements of law, applicable to said life insurance
company; provided, that the said business may be conducted


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Session Laws, 1894 Session
Volume 480, Page 345   View pdf image (33K)
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