Bank of Snow Hill in the name of the said "Court House and
Jail Building Fund," subject to the order of said County
Commissioners, upon the receipt of which said certificate the
said bonds shall be delivered to the lender or lenders of said
SEC. 3. And Be it enacted, That to redeem said bonds, the
County Commissioners of Worcester county shall annually
levy upon the assessable property of said county, beginning
with their next levy after the passage of this act; that is to say,
the levy of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-four, a tax
sufficient to pay all interest which shall fall due on said bonds,
on the first day of each and every January and June hereafter,
until all said bonds are paid, the interest to be levied annually,
to be only such an amount as will be due on all said bonds
outstanding on the following January after the levy, and shall
further levy at the same time the interest aforesaid as pro-
vided for, a sura sufficient to pay the principal of such bond as
may mature on the first day of January next after their said
levy, and the said levy shall be designated as the court house
and jail fund.
of bonds.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said County Commis-
sioners are authorized, should they deem it necessary, to employ
a capable architect at a reasonable compensation, to prepare
plans and specifications for said court house and jail, and
superintend the building of the same, under their general
supervision; and on the completion of said court house and
jail, the said County Commissioners shall make a full, clear
and explicit statement, giving a detailed account of the cost oi
said court house and jail, the name of every person to whom
money was paid in erecting said buildings, and such statement
shall be kept in a separate book made specially for the
purpose, which book shall be known as the "Court House and
Jail Building Book," and shall be one of the public records of
said County Commissiouer's office.
May employ
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said county Commis-
sioners shall have power to cause the said court house and jail
to be erected and to contract for the building of the same with
one or more persons, and may invite sealed proposals for
building said court house and jail, reserving to themselves the
right to accept or reject any bid or bids, which for any reason
should not be satisfactory to them; and good and sufficient
bond or bonds, with securities to be approved by the said
Contracts for