No. 627. An act to amend the charter of the Hitchins Bros.
Company, of Frostburg, Maryland, a body corporate duly
incorporated under the General Laws of Maryland, February
5th, 1891, and recorded in Liber T, L. No. 1, of Certificates
of Incorporation, folio 196, one of the corporation books of
Allegany county ............................... .....
No. 628. An act to add a new section to article two of the Code
of Public Local Laws, title "Anne Arundel County," sub-title
"Brooklyn," to be designated 106 A, to prohibit fast driving
over the public roads and highways within the limits of
Brooklyn and South Baltimore, in Anne Arundel county.....
No. 629. An act to add an additional section to article 23 of the
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Corpora-
tions," sub-title "Building or Homestead Associations," to
follow section 104, and to be known as 104 A ..............
No. 630. An act to amend the charter of the Commonwealth
Guarantee Company, passed at the January session of the
'General Assembly of Maryland, of 1892, and known as
chapter 502, by repealing and re-enacting sections 7 and 8
thereof with amendments, and by adding section 9 thereto...
No. 631. An act to add additional sections to article three of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, titled "Baltimore
County," sub-titled "Circuit Court," to follow section eighteen
of said article, and to be known as sections 18 A, 18 B, 18 C
18 D, 18E, 18F, 18G, 18 H, 18 I, 18K and 18L...............
No. 632. An act to authorize the College of Physicians and
surgeons of Baltimore city to sell, lease or exchange the lot
of ground and improvements situate in the city of Baltimore,
on the south side of Lombard, east of Sharp street, and now
used as a Lying-in Hospital.............................
No. 633. An act making appropriations for the support of the
State Government for the fiscal year ending on the thirtieth
day of September, eighteen hundred and ninety-six ........
No. 634. An act to repeal the acts of the General Assembly of
Maryland, passed at the January session, eighteen hundred
and sixty, article 21, sections 280 to 288, inclusive, of the
Public Local Laws of eighteen hundred and sixty, eighteen
hundred and sixty-seven, chapter 319, and eighteen hundred
and eighty, chapter 317, article 22 of the Code of Public
Local Laws, entitled "Washington County," sub-title "Sharps-
burg," and to enact the following in lieu thereof, in amend-
ing and revising the charter of Sharpsburg, and in providing
for the government thereof .............................