river, at or near Williston, in said county, and to construct
causeways and approaches thereto, and also to build a bridge
over the said river at or near the wharf known as Gadd's
wharf, and to construct causeways and approaches thereto,
whenever the estimated cost of said bridge and causeways
shall, by the persons particularly interested therein, be de-
posited in the Denton National Bank, subject only to the
order of the County Commissioners of said county .........
No. 619. An act to repeal sections 10 to 16, both inclusive, of
article 9 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Charles
County," sub title "Almshouse," and to repeal and re-enact
with amendments, sections 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of said article
and sub-title.......................................
No. 620. An act to authorise the school commissioners of Anne
Arundel county to borrow money on the credit of Anne
Arundel county, to purchase a lot or lots, and to erect and
furnish, with the assistance of the city of Annapolis, a public
school building in the city of Annapolis...................
No. 621. An act to incorporate the town of Kensington, in
Montgomery county, Maryland...........................
No. 622. An act to add certain new sections to article 16 of the
Code of Public Local Laws, title "Montgomery County," sub-
title "r.lerk," to follow section 60, to be designated as
sections 60 A, 60 B, 60 C, 60 D, 60 E, 60 F, 60 G and 60 H........
No. 623. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments sec-
tions 184G, 184 H and 184K, of the Code of Public Local
Laws, title "Anne Arundel County," subtitle "Liquor and
Intoxicating Drinks," as enacted by the act of 1890, chapter
568, and section 184 I, as enacted by the acts of 1892, chapter
598, and to add a new section, to follow section 184S, to be
designated as section 184 T...............................
No. 624. An act to authorize and require the County Commis-
sioners of Somerset county to borrow money on the credit of
said county for the purpose of rebuilding, enlarging, improv-
ing and otherwise repairing the court house and public offices
in said county, to issue bonds for the payment of the same,
and to levy taxes on the assessable property of the said
county, to redeem said bonds and to pay the interest thereon.
No. 626. An act to empower the County Commissioners of
Charles county to levy a sum of money for the building of a
school house for colored children in the corporate limits of
La Plata, first election district of Charles county............