AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments, Section
eight of an Act passed at the January session, eighteen
hundred and seventy-four, being Chapter one hundred and
eighty-two of the Acts of said session, entitled "An Act to
incorporate the Trustees of the Synod of the Potomac of
the Reformed Church in the United States."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assembly of
Maryland, That section eight of the act passed at the Janu-
ary session, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, being chapter
one hundred and eighty-two of the acts of said session, entitled
"An Act to incorporate the Trustees of the Synod of the
Potomac of the Reformed Church in the United States," be
and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted, so as to read
as follows :
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the said corpora-
tion shall and may have a president, a vice-president, who shall
be the secretary or clerk, and a treasurer, the president and
vice-president to be chosen by the said corporation, out of
their own number, as often as they see proper, and according
to the rules by them to be subscribed; but the treasurer to be
elected annually, by the Synod of the Potomac of the Reformed
Church in the United States, from among the members of said
corporation, in such manner as to said Synod may seem proper,
and the same person shall be re-eligible to the office of treas-
urer by the said Synod from year to year, as long as he con-
tinues to be a member of the said corporation; and in the
event of any person having declined to serve as treasurer, or
having died while holding said office, or the said office having
become vacant from any cause, the board shall have authority
to fill the vacancy until the next meeting of the corporation ;
and the said corporation shall have authority to appoint such
other officers and servants as shall by them, the said corpora-
tion, be deemed necessary; to all of which officers the said
corporation may assign such compensation for their services,
and such duties to be performed by them, to continue in office
for such time, and to be succeeded by others in such way, con-
formably to the provisions of this act, as the said corporation
may direct.