No. 426. An act looking to the preservation of sheep, in pro-
viding for taxing dogs, males and female, and furnishing
additional revenue for the benefit of the public schools in
Dorchester county......... ....................... ....
No. 427. An act to exempt the grounds of Agricultural Fair
Association from the operation of article 58 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Licenses," during
the annual exhibitions of such associations ................
No. 428. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments, sec-
tion 155 of article 2 of tlie Code of Public Local Laws, title
"Anne Arundel County," sub-title "Fish, Crabs and Terra-
pins," as said section was re-enacted by chapter 375 of the
Acts of 1890..................... .............. ....
No. 429. An act to pay Daniel W. Townsend the sum of nine
dollars and fifty cents for a license fee erroneously paid by
him to John W. Belt, clerk of the Circuit Court for Prince
George's county, and paid into the State Treasury by the
said John W. Belt.....................................
No. 430. An act to repeal section 188A and 188 B of article
two of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Anne Arundel
County," sub-title "Oysters," as enacted by the act of 1892,
chapter 697, and to re enact the same with amendments. ...
No. 431. An act to refund to Samuel G. Townshend, Treasurer
of Prince George's county, and collector of State and county
taxes, the sum of four hundred and thirty-three dollars and
eighty-eight cents, the same being the amount of discounts
allowed by him on State taxes paid before first of Septem-
ber, October and November, in the year 1892, which, through
a mistake on the part of the said Samuel G. Townshend, was
not paid into the State treasury until the 1st of January,
1893, and which could not, therefore, be allowed by the
Comptroller ........................ ........... .....
No. 432. An act to provide for the purchase of the stock of the
Bay View Electric Light and Power Company of Baltimore
county, by the Chesapeake Water Company of Baltimore
County, and to authorize the consolidation of said .companies
and for other purposes ....
No. 433. An act to amend the charter of the Brooklyn Savings
Institution of Anne Arundel County......
No. 434. An act to add a new section to article 2 of the Code
of Public Local Laws, title "Anne Arundel County " sub-
title "County Commissioners," to be designated as section