chapter 487 of the acts of 1890, and to repeal chapter 107 of
the acts of 1892, and to re-enact said section 102 and chapter
107 with amendments...................................
No. 415. An act to repeal sections 141, 143, 148 of the Code
of Public Local Laws, title "Wicomico County," sub-title
"Salisbury," and to re-enact the same with amendments, and
to add three additional sections thereto, to be designated as
sections 143 A, 143 B and 143 e ..........................
No. 417. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of
Anne Arundel county to pay Wilbur F. Petherbridge, for an
index to wills and intestate estates, of record in the office of
the register of wills of said county .....................
No. 418. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments, sec-
tions 84 A and 84 B of article 27, of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws of Maryland, title "Crimes and Punishments," sub-
title "False Pretenses," relating to frauds and false pretenses
upon hotel and livery stable keepers, as enacted by the act of
1892, chapter 42 ......................................
No. 419. An act to incorporate the Green Spring Valley Game
Protective Association ........................... .
No. 420. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments, chap-
ter 670 of the acts of the General Assembly of Maryland,
passed at its January session, 1892, entitled "An act to pro-
mote, encourage and foster agriculture in the State," and to
appropriate a sum of money therefor.............. .......
No. 421. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments, sec-
tions 167 and 168 of article 23 of the Code of Public Local
Laws, title "Wicomico County," sub-title "Sharptown," and
to add an additional section thereto, to be designated as 167 A.
No. 422. An act to repeal section 26 A of article 72 of the
Code of Public General Laws, title "Oysters," subtitle
"State Fishery Force," as said section was enacted by chapter
643 of the acts of 1892 ................................
No. 423. An act to repeal sections 372 to 377, both inclusive,
of article 4 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "City of
Baltimore," sub-title "Harbor and River Relief Board," and
to re-enact the same with amendments.....................
No. 424. An act to protect the catching and buying of terra-
pins in the waters of Worcester county...... .............
No. 425. An act to provide for the further publication of the
Archives of Maryland .................................