ness of the Board of County School Commissioners of
Somerset county, by issuing bonds therefor and to levy a tax
for the payment of the same............................
No. 266. An act to incorporate the Union Trust and Surety
Company of Maryland................................
No. 267. An act to repeal section three hundred and ninety-one
of article twenty-two of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland, title "Washington County, " sub title "Surveyor, "
and re enact the same with amendments..................
No. 268. An act to authorize and direct the County Commis-
sioners of Talbot county and the commissioners of the towns
of Easton and Trappe and other municipalities in Talbot
county, to aid in the construction of the Queen Anne's Rail-
way Company, by exemption from taxation for the period of
twenty years, the capital stock, bonds, franchises and prop-
erty of the said railroad company, and to amend the charter
of said company......................................
No. 269. An act to empower the board of public works to reg-
ulate the introduction of improved methods of heating rail-
road cars.............................................
No. 270. An act to amend the charter of the Baltimore
Northern Railroad Company, extending and enlarging the
powers and privileges of said company, and authorizing cer-
tain practice and proceedings in the acquisition of land and
other property for its use...............................
No. 271. An act more effectually to prevent the publication,
circulation and exhibition of obscene or vicious literature or
representations, by repealing section two hundred and twenty
of article twenty-seven of the Code of Public General Laws,
title "Crimes and Punishments, " sub-title "Obscene Publica-
tions, " and by re-enacting the same with amendments, and by
adding an additional section to said article, to come in after
section two hundred and twenty, and to be designated section
two hundred and twenty A.............................
No. 272. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments the
eighth sub-section of section 122 of article 23 of the Public
General Laws of Maryland, title "Corporations, " sub-title
"Insurance Department"...............................
No. 273. An act to regulate the practice of veterinary medi-
cine and surgery in the State of Maryland................
No. 274. An act to amend the charter of the Columbia and
Maryland Railway, a corporation formed under article twenty-