capital stock, bonds, franchises and property of the said
railroad company .................... . .... . . .
No. 255. An act to repeal and re enact sub-section 35 A of
article 26 of the Code of Public General Laws, and to amend
the same so as to increase the salary of the messenger of the
Court of Appeals ...................... ..............
No. 256. An act to repeal sections 121 A and 128 of article
23 of the Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Corpora-
tions," sub title "Insurance Department," and to re-enact the
same with amendments.................................
No. 257. An act to add one section to article 4 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland, sub-title "Liquor and Intoxi-
cating Drinks," to be known as section 653 P L, further regu-
lating the sale of intoxicating liquors in the city of Baltimore
No. 258. An act to repeal section 127 of article 23 of the
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Corpora-
tions," sub-title "Insurance Department," and to re enact the
same with amendments ...........................
No. 260. An act to provide a means by which organizations,
known as Lloyds, may conduct the insurance business in this
State, by adding an additional section to article 23 of the
Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Corporations," sub-
title "Insurance Department," to follow section 123, and to
be known as section 123 A................................
No. 261. An act to repeal chapter 307, of the acts of 1860,
entitled an act to incorporate Curtis's Creek Bridge Company.
No. 262. An act to add a new section to article 27, of the Code
of Public General Laws, title "Crimes and Punishments," sub-
title "Perjury," to come in after section 226, and to be desig-
nated as section 226 A, and to repeal and re enact with amend-
ments sections 227 and 228 of said article.................
No. 263. An act to repeal and re-enact with an amendment, sec-
tion two hundred and sixty-four of article twenty-three, of
the Code of Public General Laws, title "Corporations," sub-
title "Dissolution of Corporations" .....................
No. 264. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay Patrick
H. Cooney and others for discharging the duties of the office
of inspector of oysters, during the season beginning the
fifteenth day of September, 1893, and ending the thirty-first
day of March, 1894................
No. 265. An act to authorize, empower and direct the County
Commissioners of Somerset county to fund certain indebted-