No. 179. An act to. authorize the County Commissioners of
Baltimore county to appoint a police officer for the village of
Towsontown ............ .....
No. 180. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments, sec-
tion 60 of article 4 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"City of Baltimore," sub-title "Courts," heading ''Superior
Court," "Court of Common Pleas" and "Baltimore City
Court." ...............................................
No. 181. An act to authorize, direct and require the County
Commissioners of Baltimore county to grade, kerb, pave or
macadamize Clinton street, in the 12th district of Baltimore
county, between Eastern avenue and Eleventh avenue.......
No. 182. An act to refund to Charles F. Rowe, late collector
of State taxes for Frederick county, one hundred and fifty-
six dollars and six cents erroneously paid by him into the
treasury of the State....................................
No. 183. An act to refund to Wm. I. Ching and Jos. H. Ching,
administrators of Jrio. F. Ching, late collector of taxes for
the fourth district of St. Mary's county, a sum of money
erroneously paid by him into the treasury..................
No. 184., An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments, sec-
tion 169 of article 4 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"City of Baltimore," sub-title "Courts." ................
No. 185. An act to add an additional section to article seventy-
five of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Pleadings,
Practice and Process at Law," new sub title " Special Find-
ings of Facts," to be designated as section 115 A............
No. 186. An act to sanction a deed from Enoch Pratt, Fer-
dinand C. Latrobe and Robert Rennert, trustees, to the
Wenstrom Electric Company of Baltimore city.............
No. 187. An act to add two additional sections to article 27 of
the Code of Public General Laws, title "Crimes and Punish-
ments," sub-title "House of the Good Shepherd," to be desig-
nated as sections 329 A and 329 B, for the purpose of ratifying
and confirming the charter of the House of Good Shepherd
for Colored Girls of the city of Baltimore, and to enlarge the
powers of said corporation...............................
No. 188. An act to provide for the protection of merchants,
who are bona fide residents of Somerset, Dorchester, Calvert,
Talbot, Garrett, Allegany, St. Mary's, Caroline, Worcester,
Wicomico and Charles counties, by fixing license and penal-
ties for hawkers or peddlers, either walking or with horse
and wagon in said counties .............................