133, of the acts of the General Assembly of 1890, entitled
an act to amend the charter of the Southern Real Estate and
Trust Company of Baltimore city, by authorizing the said
company to loan money upon real, leasehold and personal
property, to loan money to the corporate authorities of the
cities and counties hereinafter named, for public improve-
ments and other purposes; to issue mortgage coupon bonds,
to loan and borrow money for any of the corporate purposes,
and to exercise all lawful powers for the promotion of the
development and prosperity of the said counties and cities,
and to exercise the powers of existing trust companies, and
to add a new section to said chapter, to be numbered sec-
tion 8 ...............................................
No. 171. An act providing for more rapid transit upon railways
which may be laid upon the Baltimore and Liberty turnpike
road, and to enlarge the powers of the Baltimore and Liberty
Turnpike Company ........ ..........................
No. 172. An act to repeal section eight of article nineteen of
the Code of Public General Laws, title "Comptroller,'' and
chapter two hundred and ninety-nine of the acts of Assembly
of eighteen hundred and ninety-two, and to re-enact the
same with amendments ...............................
No. 173. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments, sec-
tion 167 of article 4 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"City of Baltimore," sub- title "Courts" .................
No. 175. An act to repeal section 138 of article 23 of the Pub-
lic General Laws of Maryland, title "Corporations," sub-title
"Insurance Department," and to re-enact the same with
amendments ....................................
No. 176. An act to authorize and direct the County Commis-
sioners of Montgomery county to levy a sum of money to
refund to Charles II. Anderson, of said county, certain taxes
erroneously paid by him.................
No. 177. An act to regulate the terms and compensation of the
County Commissioners of Kent county, and to add three
sub-sections to section seventy-nine of article fifteen of the
Code of Public Local Laws, entitled "Kent County," sub-
title "County Commissioners," to be designated section 79 A,
section 79 B, section 79 e, to read as follows.....
No. 178. An act to repeal section 164, article 21 of the Code
of Public Local Laws, title "Talbot County," sub-title
"Oysters," and re enact the same with amendments