Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church," so as to
change the name of said corporation and to enlarge and
define its objects and powers........ ....................
No. 120. An act to refund to John S. Hamilton, late collector
of State taxes for St. Michael's district of Talbot county, a
sum of money erroneously paid by him into the treasury.......
No. 121. An act to refund to James W. Ivens a sum of money
erroneously paid by him into the State Treasury..........
No. 122. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments, sec-
tion 5 of article 3 of the Public Local Laws, title "Baltimore
County," sub-title "Birds and Game," as amended by chapter
35 of the acts of 1890, and to repeal and re-enact with
amendments, sections 6 and 7 of said article..... ...........
No. 123. An act to authorize the grant and acceptance of the
bed of Eutaw place extended .... ......................
No. 124. An act to repeal section fifty-nine of article twenty-
two of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, entitled
"Washington County," subtitle "Circuit Court," and to
re-enact the same with amendments........................
No. 125. An act to amend and add certain additional sections
to chapter 479 of the acts of eighteen hundred and ninety,
amending the charter of the Chesapeake Bank, and enlarging
its corporate powers and franchises and changing its name to
the "Chesapeake Bank and Trust Company."...............
No. 126. An act to add an additional section to article eight of
the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Cecil County," sub-
title "Sheriff," to be known as section 336 1/2, to come in after
section 336, providing for the appointment by the Sheriff of
Cecil county, of a physician to the jail of said county, and
to fix the compensation of said physician .... .............
No. 127. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments, sec-
tions 193, 194, 197, 202, 207 and 237 of article 17 of the
Code of Public Local Laws, entitled "Prince George's
County," sub-title "Laurel," and re-enact the same with
No. 12S. An act to repeal sections 155, 156, 157, 159, 160, 162
and 168 of article 24 of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "Worcester County," sub-title "Ocean City," and section
156, chapter 302, of the acts of the General Assembly,
passed at the January session, 1892, and re enact the same
with amendments; and to add additional sections to the Code
of Public Local Laws, title "Worcester County," sub- title