No. 113. An act to add a new section to article four, Code of
Public Local Laws, title "City of Baltimore," sub title
"Licenses," to come in after section 669. and to be called
section 669 A, regulating the issuing of licenses to traders
occupying one or more places of business in said city..........
No. 114. An act, to add six new sections to article eighty one
of the Code of Public General Laws, title ''Revenue and
Taxes," sub-title "Payment of Taxes by Corporations," pro-
viding for the payment by every newly ctcated corporation
of a bonus on its capital stock for the use of the State, to
come in after section eighty eight and to be designated as
sections eighty-eight F, eighty-eight G, eighty-eight H,
eighty-eight I and eighty-eight J ................... ....
No. 115. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments
section one hundred and fifty-eight of article twenty two,
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Washington
County," sub title "Hagerstown," ami to add an additional
section to said article twenty-two, Code of Public Local Laws
of Maryland, title ''Washington County," sub-title " Hagers-
town," to be known as section two hundred and fifteen A,
and to follow section two hundred and fifteen of said article
twenty two, Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland.......
No. 116. An act to add a supplement to the act of 1804, chap-
ter 51, entitled ''An Act to incorporate companies to make
several turnpike roads through Baltimore county, and for
other purposes; and to authorize the widening of the turn-
pike road of the ' President, Managers and Company of the
Baltimore, Yorktown Turnpike Road,' between the northern
limits of Baltimore City and Towsoutown" ...............
No. 117. An act to authorize and empower the Rockville and
Bethesda Turnpike Company, of Montgomery county, Mary-
land, to condemn the turnpike road of the president, managers
and company of the Washington Turnpike Company.......
No. 118. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay Lewis
H. Rehn the sum of one hundred and twenty-nine dollars
and three cents ($129.08) for commission on money collected
by him as collector and treasurer of the city of Annapolis,
from applicants for liquor licenses and paid by him into the
State treasury ......................................
No. 119. An act to amend an Act of the General Assembly of
Maryland, passed at the January session, eighteen hundred
and sixty-two, chapter thirty-five, entitled "An Act to incor-
porate the Home Missionary Society of the Maryland Annual