holders are required to elect, the State of Maryland should
be entitled to two directors, who shall be appointed in
the same manner as the directors in all other works of
internal improvement are appointed where the State has
the legal power to appoint directors; provided, however,
that if the commencement of the construction of the said
Elkton, Massey's and Middletown Railroad within six months
from the passage of this act shall be prevented by hostile
litigation or other causes not brought about by the fault
of the said company, or if the completion of said por-
tion of said railroad mentioned in this section as far as
Cecilton on or before August 1st, 1895, or the completion of
the whole line so as to be in a condition to be operated by
August 1st, 1896, shall be prevented by hostile litigation or
other causes not brought about by the fault of said company,
and the said company shall procure and file in the office of the
Secretary of State, a certificate or certificates, as the case may
be, signed by the Governor, Attorney General and State's
Attorney for Cecil county, or a majority of them (which said
officers are hereby required to act in the matter), that the delay
in beginning the construction of said works within six months,
or completing that portion of said railroad as far as Cecilton
by August 1st, 1895, or completing the whole line eo as
to be in condition to be operated by August 1st, 1896,
whichever of said events may happen, was caused by
hostile litigation, or other causes not brought about by the
fault of said company, then the delay in respect to the matter
mentioned in said certificate or certificates, as the case may be,
shall not operate to transfer the said fifty-eight thousand
($58,000) dollars hereinbefore mentioned, to the said Elkton
and Southern Railway Company.
tion pro-
ceedings to
be com-
ninety days.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That unless the said
Elkton, Massey's and Middletown Railroad Company shall,
within ninety days from the passage of this act, have com-
menced proceedings for the condemnation of such portions
of its rights of way as lie between Elkton and Chesa-
peake City, as it can not acquire by negotiation within said
period of ninety days from the passage of this act, then, and
in that case, the said certificates aforesaid shall not be effective
to prevent or postpone the transfer of the said sum of fifty-
eight thousand ($58,000) dollars to the Elkton and Southern
Railroad Company, as provided in this act.