AN ACT to provide for the disposition of the sum of fifty-
eight thousand ($58,000) dollars, which, by the Act of
Assembly of Maryland of 1880, Chapter 372, was trans-
ferred to the Elkton and Middletown Railroad Company of
Cecil County; and in this connection, to amend the charter
of said company, and to provide for the transfer of said
money to the Elkton and Southern Railroad Company, in
certain contingencies.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Elkton and Middletown Railroad Com-
pany of Cecil county, incorporated under the general railroad
law of Maryland, being the act of 1876, chapter 242, and
whose certificate of incorporation was tiled in the office of the
secretary of the State of Maryland, on the eighth day of
March, 1880, being the same corporation mentioned in the
act of assembly of Maryland of 1880, chapter 372, be and
the same is hereby authorized, in addition to, or in substitu-
tion or part substitution for, the line of railroad mentioned in
its said certificate of incorporation, to build a railroad from
some point on the line of the Philadelphia, Wilmington
and Baltimore Railroad, at or near the town of Elkton,
in Cecil county, in the State of Maryland, by such route
as its board of directors shall determine to be the most
feasible and desirable, to an intersection with the line of
the Queen Anne's and Kent Railroad, at or near the station
called Massey's, in Kent county, Maryland, and passing through
or within one-quarter of a mile of the corporate limits of
Chesapeake City, and within three quarters of a mile of
Cecilton, in said Cecil county; and for this purpose shall have
all the rights, powers and privileges mentioned and contained
in the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, article 23,
sub-title "Railroad Companies," and all of the provisions
thereof shall be applicable to the said company, in reference
to the location and building of the railroad mentioned in this
section; and the Circuit Courts mentioned in section 167 of
said article 23 of the Code of Public General Laws of Mary-
land, may confirm the inquisitions of damages in said section
mentioned, which may be found and returned in connection
with the acquisition of the property rights necessary for the
construction of any portion of the railroad, which said Rail-
road Company is authorized to construct under its original
Powers of
Elkton and