194. If any person, body corporate, firm or company, shall
sell any spirituous or fermented liquors, intoxicating or alco-
holic bitters, or other article or compound producing intoxica-
tion, he or they shall be deemed to be guilty of a violation of
the preceding section, and shall, on conviction thereof, be fined
in a sum of not more than three hundred dollars nor less than
fifty dollars, and be imprisoned in the house of correction for
not less than sixty nor more than 90 days, in the discretion of
the court; one-half the fine imposed for the violation of this
section to go to the informer and the residue to the board of
school commissioners of said county, for the benefit of the
public schools therein.
Unlawful to
sell liquor.
194 A. Any person, house, firm, company, association or
body corporate, who shall sell directly or indirectly at any
place, or give away at his or their place of business, any
spirituous or fermented liquors, or alcoholic bitters, or intoxi-
cating drinks of any kind within said county, or who shall
allow his place of business to be a depository for such liquors
or compounds to be used by others, shall on conviction thereof
pay a fine of not less than fifty nor more than three hundred
dollars, and be imprisoned in the house of correction as pro-
vided in the preceding section, in the discretion of the court.
Penalty for
194s. It shall not be lawful for any person, firm, company
or body corporate, to sell, give away or otherwise dispose of,
at his or their place of business, any spirituous, fermented or
other intoxicating liquors or medicated bitters producing intox-
ication, or any compound of which alcohol is an ingredient and
which produces intoxication, in any district of Caroline county:
provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to
prevent compounding of medicines of which such liquors may
be a necessary -part, by duly licensed pharmacist or druggist,
upon the written bona fide prescription in ink of a regular
practicing physician, whose full name shall be signed thereto;
and every such prescription shall be filed and kept by such
pharmacist or druggist; and no one prescription shall serve
for more than one purchase; hut no physician shall make or
sign any such prescription unless the person for whom it is
made is actually sick and such liquors is absolutely required
as a medicine; and any physician who shall make or sign any
prescription for such liquor, except as provided for herein
shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this section, and upon
conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than fifty nor more
than one hundred dollars for each offence, and be sentenced to
Provisions as
to druggists.