by-laws and regulations concerning liability for loss or damage
by lightning, as may be deemed necessary.
SEC. 10. And lie it further enacted, That the board of direc-
tors shall make such by-laws, not inconsistent with this charter
or the laws of the State of Maryland, as they may deem neces-
sary to conduct the affairs of the company, and shall have
power to alter and amend the same; and the said by-laws, and
every amendment thereof, shall be binding upon all members
of said company; in case any vacancy occurring in the board
of directors, the same shall be filled by selection of the remain-
der of the board, to serve for the unexpired term.
May pass
by laws.
SEC. 11. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the president, whenever required, in writing, by not
less than twenty members of the company other than the
directors, to call a general meeting of the members, by giving
notice as in cases of election for directors, for the transaction
of such business as may be specified in the said written requi-
sition; and any resolutions or proceedings passed or had at
such meeting, by not less than two-thirds of the members who
shall be present, shall be binding on the president and direc-
tors and members of the company.
SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That the board of
directors shall have power to regulate the time and duration
of all its policies and the rates of insurance; to provide for
the payment of all losses and expenses incurred by said com-
pany; and the president and secretary shall sign all policies of
insurance issued by the company; and in the absence of the
president the vice-president shall perform the duties of presi-
Duration of
SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That every member of
this company who shall sustain loss or damage by fire or light-
ning, shall give notice thereof to the secretary of the company,
at his office, within thirty days from the date of such loss, to
the end that they may inquire into the same; and the said
Notice of loss.
president and directors shall direct the proper appraisers to
view the premises and determine the loss actually sustained,
and make report within ten days after notice of such loss; and
in cases where persons sustaining loss by fire or lightning shall
be dissatisfied with the estimate of his loss by the appraisers, on
his request in writing, the subject shall be submitted to three
disinterested persons, one chosen by the directors, one by the
person insured who has sustained the loss, and the third one by