SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That George W. Long,
Thomas S. Hodson, Joseph Muir, Alonzo E. Tull, William F.
Horsey, Clarence Hodson, J. Fletcher Sorners, Isaac H. Tawes,
George S. Pay n e, James W. Waddell, Thomas Humphreys
and Abraham L. Dryden, are hereby created directors of the
said Maryland Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Crisfield,
and shall manage its affairs until the first Monday in January
after said company shall have commenced business, and until
their successors shall have been elected and qualified, as here-
inafter provided; and such of said directors as shall be present
at their first meeting, shall proceed to organize the company
by electing a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and
other officers, committees and agents deemed advisable, and fix
their compensation, if any, and the duties of such officers, and
all other matters concerning the regulation of said company
may be provided for in the by-laws, to be adopted as soon
thereafter as practicable; but no directors shall be subject to
liability except as other members.
Notice of
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the president and secretary to give notice of at least two
weeks, by advertisement in some newspaper published in
Somerset county, of the meeting of members annually, which
shall be held on the first Monday in January in each and every
year, for the transaction of such business as may properly be
brought before then), and for the election of twelve directors
of the company, who shall be members thereof; but in case
such election should, from any cause, not be held on the same
day, the company shall not in consequence thereof be dissolved,
but such election may be held at such subsequent time as may
be selected by the board of directors or a majority of them.
At all elections each member shall have one vote, either in
person or by proxy, and such members as may be in attend-
ance shall constitute a quorum; every voting proxy being
executed in writing, before one witness at least, and tiled with
the judges of election before the balloting commences; tlfe
election to be conducted by three judges, chosen from the
members and not directors; the judges shall certify under
their hands and seals the result of such election, to be filed
with the secretary.
May insure
against loss
by light-
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the said company
shall have authority and may take insurance on any kind of
property, against loss or damage occasioned by lightning,
whether fire shall result therefrom or not, and may make such