open alleys; to make and establish grades upon the streets and
highways of said town, and to re-grade the same; to cause the
sidewalks and gutters along the public streets to be graded
and paved, repaired or improved at the cost and expense of
the abutting property or owner thereof, such grading, paving,
repairing, or improving of sidewalks and gutters to be of such
materials at such grade as the said commissioners may
prescribe; to cause the water courses, drains and sewers of
said town to be cleaned and kept in repair and cleaned; to
establish markets and to regulate the hours and limits thereof,
and the mode of dealing in relation thereto; to grant licenses
for marketable commodities; to control and protect the
public grounds and property of the town; to establish and
regulate a station house or lockup for the temporary confine-
ment of the violators of the laws and ordinances of the town ;
to suppress vagrancy; to prohibit or restrain the keeping of
bawdy houses, or houses of ill fame, within the corporate
limits, and to provide for the punishment of all persons who
shall keep or suffer to be kept on their property any such
house or houses; to regulate and provide for the issuing of
licenses and permits for all hawking, peddling and vending
of wares and merchandise of every description upon the
streets and highways of said town, and to issue licenses and
permits to all itinerant persons who dispense medicine or
medical advice; to demand a license from all players and
showmen exhibiting within said town; to provide for licens-
ing theatres and regulate theatrical and other public amuse-
ments and exhibitions within said town; to regulate and
license hacks, carriages, cars and other vehicles used in said
town for carriage of passengers and travelers; to regulate
and license auctioneers who cry sales on the public streets,
provided that no greater sum than one hundred dollars be
charged for any one license; the said commissioners shall
impose a license of fifty dollars per annum upon all saloons,
hotels, taverns, restaurants and all other places where malt,
spirituous and fermented liquors and lager beer are sold, and
they are given full power and authority to pass such ordi-
nances as may be deemed necessary for the regulation and
control of the traffic in said liquors within said town; they
shall have power to regulate and control all offensive trades,