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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 883   View pdf image (33K)
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97 T. All officers and employees of the town, elected or
appointed by the commissioners of Easton shall continue to

CHAP. 458

hold, exercise and discharge the duties of their respective
offices and positions until they shall be superseded under
the provisions of this Act and their successors shall be
duly qualified.
97 U. The Mayor and Council may provide by ordinance
for the extension of the boundaries of the town, but such

To hold office
until suc-
cessor is

ordinance shall not become operative unless same shall
receive a majority vote of the qualified voters of the town
voting at a special or general election.
97 V. William H. Withgoot, Edward B. Hardcastle and
Clement R. Leonard, who are the " Commissioners of

Extension of

Easton," shall be and remain the commissioners of Easton
until the qualification of the Mayor and Council herein pro-
vided to be elected on the first Monday in May, in the year
1906, and said "Commissioners of Easton" shall have the
same powers and duties as they now have, and all laws now
in force dealing with the powers and duties of the commis-
sioners of Easton and the government of Easton shall
remain in full force and virtue until the said qualification of
the Mayor and Council.
97 W. All the powers and duties in this charter conferred
upon the Mayor and Council in regard to the holding of

ers of Easton.

elections hereunder shall be exercised by the present board
of commissioners" of Easton and the said board of commis-
sioners shall appoint at their last regular meeting in the
month of April, 1906, a board of canvassers who shall be
the same in number, with like powers and perform the like
duties as the board of canvassers elsewhere in this Act pro-
vided for in connection with elections, and all powers and
duties relating to the preparation for and holding of the first
election for Mayor and Council held under this charter pre-
scribed for and conferred upon the town clerk, shall be exer-
cised by the present clerk to the commissioners of Easton ;
and the said clerk shall receive as his compensation therefor
such sum as the present commissioners of Easton shall
direct, not exceeding $50.00/100; and all election officers
appointed as provided in Section 49 of this Act shall
perform their duties and be subject to the same penalties as
the election officers hereafter to be appointed for elections
succeeding the first election. In the event of the failure or

Board of

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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 883   View pdf image (33K)
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