CHAP. 468
authority of the said Mayor and Council of Easton, or by
ordinance thereof, for any of the corporate uses thereof,
upon any mechanical tools or implements, whether worked
by hand, steam or other motive power, machinery, manufac-
turing apparatus or engines owned by an individual, firm or
corporation in said town, and properly subject to valuation
and taxation therein, which said tools, implements, machinery,
apparatus or engines shall be actually employed and used in
the business of manufacturing in said town, and it shall be
the duty of the Council to make such abatements of taxes
levied as aforesaid as may be authorized and directed by
ordinance as aforesaid; provided, that such abatement shall
be extended to all persons3 firms or corporations enga'ged in
the branches of manufacturing proposed to be benefited by
an ordinance passed under the provisions of this paragraph;
provided, further, that application for such abatement as
aforesaid shall be made or verified to the satisfaction
of the Council by the oath of the party applying for
the same, or other satisfactory evidence before the
annual revision and correction of the tax list in each
year, which the Council is by law required to make,
and not afterwards; and provided, further, that any such
abatement and exemption shall be limited to a period of
five years from the passage of the ordinance granting the
same; the Council shall further keep a record of all abate-
Record of
to be kept.
ments made by it, as aforesaid; they may provide by ordi-
nance or otherwise for the prompt collection of taxes due
the town, and have power to sell real estate, as well as personal
property, for the payment of taxes.
73. The Mayor and Council shall in the year 1896, and
Assessment to
be made.
thereafter whenever they think the public interest requires
it, cause an assessment to be made of all real and personal
property within the corporate limits of said town, subject to
assessment of State and county taxes, and they may pre-
scribe the manner in which such assessment shall be made
and provide for the adjustment of all differences in relation
to such assessments, and do all other things necessary in
Right of
making such assessment; provided, that any person or body
corporate shall have the right to appeal to the Circuit Court
for Talbot county and Court of Appeals of Maryland.
74. The Mayor shall designate and appoint three of the
Council to sit as a board to make transfers and abatements