approve shall be reconsidered by the Council in the manner
and form as hereinbefore prescribed in this section, and shall
become effective if again passed over the veto of the Mayor,
by the vote as above prescribed for the passage over the veto
of the Mayor of entire ordinances or resolutions. The mode
and manner of procedure of the Council and of the Mayor in
the matter of the veto of one or more distinct items of
appropriation in any ordinance or resolution shall be the
same as the mode and manner of procedure prescribed in
this section for the passage of an entire ordinance or reso-
lution over the veto of the Mayor.
72. The Mayor and Council shall have full power and
CHAP. 458
authority to levy annually upon the assessable property of
the town by direct tax, with full power to provide by ordi-
nance for the collection of the same such sum of money not
exceeding fifty cents on the one hundred dollars of the
assessable property within the limits of the town as may be
necessary in its judgment for the purpose of defraying the
expenses of said town over and exclusive of all expenses,
charges and sums of money which it is, or shall be, required
by law to collect for other purposes subject to the provisions
and limitations herein contained; to levy and collect taxes
upon every description of property found within the corpo-
rate limits of said town, which it is now authorized by law to
levy taxes upon for the purpose of defraying the expenses of
the town government, whether the owners thereof reside
Levy of taxes.
within or without the limits of said corporation; provided,
that no stocks, bonds, mortgages, certificates or other evi-
dence of indebtedness of any bank or other corporation
situate within the limits of said town, which are owned
or held by persons residing without said limits and
within the State of Maryland shall be subject to taxa-
tion for the purpose above set forth; and provided
further, that no authority is given by this section to impose
taxes on any property which is now or may hereafter be
exempt from taxation by any general or special act of the
General Assembly of Maryland, nor upon any property
which may be stored in the town for temporary purposes.
They may provide by general ordinance, whenever it shall
seem expedient, for the encouragement of the growth and
development of manufactures, manufacturing industries in
said town, for the abatement of any or all taxes levied by
Abatement of