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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 855   View pdf image (33K)
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deputies or other policemen as may be appointed, shall have
power to arrest any person or persons for the violation of
said ordinances wherein an arrest for violation is provided,
and in addition thereto they shall perform such other duties
as are now or may hereafter be prescribed by the laws relat-
ing to said town, and by the ordinances thereof, and shall
have all and the same powers and functions that constables
of Talbot county now have or may hereafter possess as con-

CHAP. 458

servators of the peace and shall give bond to the State of
Maryland, executed by a surety company to be approved by
the Mayor, in the sum of five hundred dollars, for the faith-
ful performance of his duties as chief of police, and the
premium of said bond, if any there be, shall be paid out of
the town treasury.

69. The Mayor and Council shall have power to pass all

Bond to be

such ordinances as are herein directly or impliedly author-
ized, and not contrary to the Constitution and laws of this'
State, as they may deem necessary for the good government
of the town; they may pass ordinances to prevent, remove and
abate all nuisances and obstructions on or from the sidewalks,
streets, lanes, alleys, drains, or water courses, or on or from
any lot within the limits of the town; to remove or cause to be
removed or repaired any house or other buildings on any parts
thereof that may in their judgment become dangerous; to cause
the streets, lanes and alleys to be paved, graded, straightened,
widened, drained or sewered; to cause the sidewalks along
the public streets and highways of said town to be graded,
paved, repaired or improved, curbs to be set and gutters to
be laid; to provide pest houses within or without the town
and to provide for the government of the same; to suppress
vagrancy; to protect and preserve the health of the citizens
and the property rights and privileges thereof; to prevent
the storage of explosive or combustible matter in such quan-
tities or places within the town as they may deem dangerous ;
to provide for the appointment of a keeper for the town
scales and define his duties; to regulate and provide for
licensing pawnbrokers, peddlers of nostrums, notions, patents,
secret or pretended inventions and remedies on the streets,
lanes or sidewalks of the town; to regulate and provide for
the issuing of licenses or permits for all hawking, peddling
and vending of goods, wares, merchandise and produce of
every description on the streets, lanes, alleys or sidewalks,


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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 855   View pdf image (33K)
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