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whom placed, and terms and conditions of placing out; and
it is the duty of the managers to cause every child so placed
out to be visited not less than once in six months, in order
to inquire into his or her welfare until he or she shall attain
the age of twenty-one years; and the managers may require
the return to the institution of any child under twenty-one
years of age so placed with parents or relatives or in other
homes, whenever they shall deem that the welfare of the
child requires such return. (3) To exercise parental authority
and control over such children, and make needful provis-
ions as to their care, maintenance and education. (4) To
procure the commitment of such children in cases of neces-
sity to reformatory institutions.
Approved March 8, 1906.
AN ACT to incorporate the Eastern Maryland District Meet-
ing of the German Baptist Brethren.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Ephraim W. Stoner, Samuel H. Utz, Thomas J.
Body corporate
Kolb, Uriah Bixler and William M. Wine, and their succes-
sors duly elected in the manner hereinafter directed, be and
they are hereby made, declared and constituted a body
corporate, to have perpetual succession by the name and
style and title of " The Eastern Maryland District Meeting
of the German Baptist Brethren," and by that name, style
and title, are hereby made, and declared able and capable in
law to take, receive, hold, possess and acquire by gift, devise,
bequest, grant or otherwise, land, tenements, goods, chattels,
estates and property of any kind whatsoever, and the same
again to grant, devise, alien or dispose of.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That no misnomer of the said
Misnomer of
said corpora-
tion shall not
defeat or
annul pur-
chase, etc.
corporation shall defeat or annul any purchase, gift, grant,
devise or bequest to or from the said corporation, provided
the intent of the party or parties shall sufficiently appear
upon the face of the gift, will, grant or other writing whereby
any estate, interest or property was intended to pass to or
from the said corporation.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said corporation shall
have full power and authority to make, have and use a common