bonds outstanding, said payments into the sinking fund shall
cease, and the surplus, after the payment of the interest on
the outstanding bonds, shall fall back into the general funds
of the corporation; but if it should so happen that the
sinking fund should be diminished by losses, the deficiency
in every instance shall be made up in the same way as the
sinking fund is herein directed to be created and fed.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Treasurer shall
promptly deposit the contributions to said sinking fund in
CHAP. 74
some strong bank or banks at interest, and shall invest the
same and the interest of the sinking fund in the purchase of
any of said bonds, or any other bonds of the Mayor and
Common Council of Hyattsville, or in the name of the
Mayor and Common Council of Hyattsville in registered
stock or bonds of the State of Maryland, or of any of the
counties or municipalities thereof, and carefully and safely
keep the same, and when any bonds of the Mayor and
Common Council of Hyattsville shall be purchased as an
investment for the said sinking fund, the same shall forth-
with be cancelled by the Mayor and Treasurer and a record
thereof shall be made by the Mayor and Treasurer in a book
kept by the Treasurer, and said cancelled bonds shall be
carefully preserved by the Treasurer until the whole issue of
which they are part shall have been paid and cancelled; and
when all the bonds hereby authorized to be issued shall have
been paid or acquired by the Mayor and Common Council of
Hyattsville, they shall all be burned by the Mayor and
Treasurer in the presence of such members of the Common
Council as shall be designated by the Common Council, and
a careful record thereof made in a book to be kept by the
Treasurer and signed by the Mayor and Treasurer and said
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That before said bonds
to sinking
fund to be
deposited in
shall be issued the Mayor and Common Council of Hyatts-
ville shall obtain the approval of a majority of the legally
qualified votes of said town to the proposed issue at a
special election for that purpose, to be held in said town
after ten days' notice of the time, polling place or places and
object thereof, giving by publication at least once in a news-
paper published in said town and by such other notice, if
any, as the Common Council shall prescribe; and the cer-
tificate of the Mayor and Treasurer and legal adviser of the
Approval of a
majority of
legal voters
must be