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Church Hill for the payment of the annual salary of twelve
dollars each to the commissioners aforesaid, as provided in
Section 1.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall not take
effect until the term of the present commissioners of Church
Hill shall have expired.
Approved April 3, 1906.
AN ACT to repeal Sections 27 and 29 of Article 97 of the
Public General Laws of Maryland, entitled " Weights
and Measures," and to re-enact the same with amend-
ments, and to add five new sections to said Article 97,
to follow in order said Section 29 as re-enacted, and to be
designated as Sections 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34, respectively.
SECTION 1.Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sections 27 and 29 of Article 97 of the public
Repeal and
general laws of Maryland, entitled "Weights and Meas-
ures," be and the same are hereby repealed and re-enacted
with amendments, and five new sections be and they are
hereby added to the said Article 97, to follow in order said
Section 29 as re-enacted, and to be designated as Sections
30, 31, 32, 33 and 34, respectively, so that the seven sec-
tions shall read as follows, viz.:
Section 27. The standard barrel for the measurement in
this State of all green peas or beans in the hull, which are
barrel for
green peas or
sold by the bushel, shall be of the following dimensions,
namely: diameter of said barrel at the top shall be eighteen
and three-fourths inches inside the staves; the diameter at
the bottom inside the staves shall be sixteen and one-fourth
inches; and the depth of said barrel shall be twenty-six
inches inside; and to contain in all six thousand two hun-
dred and fifty-three and three-fourths cubic inches, measure-
ment by said barrel to be struck measure. The dimensions
of any barrel so used shall be stamped by the inspector of
weights and dry measures of the city of Baltimore upon the
same in three conspicuous places, and any person using a
barrel for the measurement of peas, beans and like farm pro-
ducts when sold by the bushel, without being so stamped,