Repeal and
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 3 of Chapter 617 of the Act of the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland of 1904 be and the same is
hereby repealed and re-enacted, so as read as follows :
Section 3. It shall be unlawful to place in the waters of
Regulate the
taking of fish
in the waters
of Allegany
said county any trot or out line baited with either live or
dead bate or take fish in any of the waters in said 'county
with haul-seine, dragnet or other devices other than by
angling with rod, line and single hook baited with natural
or artificial bait, under the penalty of five dollars for each
trot line, dragnet or other device so placed and two dollars
for each fish taken in violation of this section, except it shall
be lawful to take fish with dipnet during the period from
February 15th to April 15th, in each and every year, the
mesh of the dipnet to be not less than one inch square.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved February 16, 1906.
AN ACT authorizing and empowering the County Commis-
sioners of Cecil County to appoint an additional Constable
for the First Election District of said county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
constable to
be appointed
land, That the County Commissioners of Cecil County be
and they are hereby authorized and empowered to appoint,
in addition to the two constables now provided for by law,
one other constable in the First Election District of said
county who shall reside and have his office in the town of
Warwick in said district.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved February 16, 1906.
AN ACT to authorize and ratify the purchase of a lot of
ground in the town of Oakland for a new County Jail and
Court House, and the erection thereon of a new County
Jail, bv the Countv Commissioners of Garrett County. and