sonable hours at night; to punish and suppress tramps and
vagrants by imposing fines, or both fines and imprisonment
at hard labor, and to abate by appropriate ordinances all
nuisances in said town which are so defined at common law,
whether the same are herein specifically named or not; to
regulate the use of sidewalks and all structures in, under or
above the same, and to require the owner or occupant of
premises to keep the sidewalks in front of same free from
snow and other obstructions, and prescribe hours for clean-
ing same; to regulate and prevent the throwing or depos-
iting of sweepings, dust, ashes, off-fallings, dirt, garbage,
paper, dirty liquors, or any other material into any street,
alley or other public place; to prevent the use of streets,
sidewalks and public places for signs, sign posts, awn-
ings, awning posts, poles, horse troughs, steps, railroad
entrances and other obstructions; to cause the streets, lanes
and alleys to be sidewalked, paved, graded, repaired, re-
paved, regraded, drained or sewered, or to close streets,
parts of streets, lanes or alleys; to regulate and license the
use of coaches, hacks, drays and other vehicles for the trans-
portation of passengers, freight or other articles to or from
points within said town for hire or pay; to regulate, license,
tax, restrain or prohibit theatrical or other exhibitions, shows
or entertainments, to which money is demanded or received,
provided lectures on scientific, historic, benevolent, artistic
or literary subjects shall not be deemed to be within these
provisions; to regulate the sale of all kinds of property at
auction in the streets, stores, shops or elsewhere in the town,
and to license auctioneers and all vendors of property on the
streets or other public places in said town; to license, tax,
regulate, suppress and prohibit hawkers and itinerant dealers,
peddlers and pawnbrokers; to license, tax, regulate and pro-
hibit the keeping of dogs; to establish and regulate a station
house or lockup for temporary confinement of violators of
the laws and ordinances of the town; for the regulation
and handling of all kinds of explosives, and for the preven-
tion of gambling; to condemn or purchase a right of way
of any street or alley which they may determine should be
opened for the public convenience; to assess and tax the
expenses for laying or paving sidewalks in said town in whole