of the town property, rights and privileges; for the preser-
vation of the peace and good order, and securing persons
from violence, danger and destruction; for the protection of
the health, comfort and convenience of the citizens of Kitz-
millersvilie, and visitors thereto or sojourners there; for pro-
viding proper and suitable lights on the streets; for estab-
lishing, maintaining and regulating an adequate police force;
to regulate the management and location of livery stables,
stables, barns, outhouses or privies and such other establish-
ments of which the business, trade or location may become
obnoxious or injurious to the public comfort or health; to pro-
hibit the erection of such buildings, the continuance of such
noxious occupations therein whenever the public health requires
it; to prevent or regulate the use of fire arms therein, fireworks,
bonfires or other things or practices tending to endanger
persons or property; to regulate or prohibit the running at
large of cattle, horses, swine, fowls, sheep, goats, hogs or
Other animals; to authorize the empounding, keeping, sale
and redemption of such animals when found in violation of
the ordinances in such cases provided; to prevent the
deposit of any unwholesome substance, either on public or
private property; to compel its removal; to designate a
point, and to require slop, garbage, ashes and other
waste or unwholesome material to be removed to designated
points, or to require the occupants or residents on premises
to place them conveniently for removal; to compel the occu-
pants of any premises, buildings or outhouses situate in
said town, when the same hath become filthy or unwhole-
some, to abate or clean the same; to authorize the same to
be done by the proper officers and to assess the expendi-
tures thereon against such property; to authorize the removal
or confinement of such persons having infectious or pesti-
lential diseases; to regulate the selling, weighing or measur-
ing of hay, wood, coke, coal, and all other articles sold by
weight and measure and to provide for their inspection and
selling; to make all regulations which may be deemed expe-
dient for the promotion of health or the suppression of dis-
ease; to regulate the construction of chimneys, smoke-stacks,
hearths or ovens, and the erection of stoves and stove-pipes,
boilers and apparatus used in buildings or other places, and
cause the same to be removed or made secure when con-
sidered dangerous; to suppress, restrain and regulate bawdy
CHAP. 285
powers of