and witnessed according to law; provided, the said deeds,
mortgages, bonds of conveyance, bills of sale and other con-
veyances are in other respects in conformity with the laws ;
and provided further, that nothing in this section shall affect
the interest of bona fide purchasers or creditors, without
notice, who may have become so previous to the passage of
this Act.
SEC. 2. An be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved Febuary 16, 1906.
AN ACT to provide a salary for the Sheriff of Garrett
County in lieu of the fees now paid him, and to repeal
and re-enact, with amendments, Section 215 of Article 12
of the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled " Garrett
County," sub-title "Sheriff."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
Repeal and
land, That Section 215 of Article 12 of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title "Garrett County," sub-title "Sheriff,"
be and the same is hereby repealed, and two new sections,
to be known as Sections 215 and 215 A, are hereby enacted
in lieu thereof, to read as follows :
Section 215. The Sheriff of Garrett county shall receive
from said county a salary of fifteen hundred dollars each
Salary of
year, payable quarterly, in lieu of all fees, except fees in
civil cases, payable by others than Garrett county or the
State of Maryland, now payable to him under the law, or
compensation of any kind from either Garrett county or the
State of Maryland, and shall be paid, no other additional
sum by either Garrett county or the State of Maryland for
any services' whatsoever, whether performed by the Sheriff
or any of his deputies.
Section 215 A. The County Commissioners of Garrett
county shall allow said Sheriff each year, first, the actual
railway transportation charges of the Sheriff, his deputies,
and the actual cost of railway tickets of the prisoners, neces-
sary in the conveyance of said prisoners to the institution to
which they are committed; second, the sum of forty cents
per day for keeping and boarding each prisoner committed