At a session of the General Assembly of Maryland, begun
and held in the City of Annapolis, on the third day of
January, 1906, His Excellency, EDWIN WARFIELD, being
Governor, the following laws were enacted, to wit :
AN ACT to make valid deeds, mortgages, bonds of convey-
ance, bills of sales and all other conveyances of real or
personal property, or of any interest therein, defective in
acknowledgment or in the certificate thereof, or when the
official character of the officer taking the acknowledgment
has not been certified to, as required by law, or when the
conveyance has not been witnessed and sealed.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That chapter 123 and 258 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland, session 1904, each entitled "An Act
to make valid deeds, mortgages, bonds of conveyance and
bills of sale defective in the acknowledgment, or in the cer-
tificate thereof," respectively, be and the same are hereby
repealed and re-enacted, so as to read as follows :
82. All deeds, mortgages, releases, bonds of conveyance,
Repeal and
bills of sale, chattel mortgages and all other conveyances of
real or personal property, or of any interest therein, which
may have been executed, acknowledged or recorded in the
State subsequent to the passage of the Act of the General
Assembly of Maryland, passed at the January Session, 1858,
Chapter 208, which may not have been acknowledged
according to the laws existing at the time of said acknowl-
edgment, or when the certificate of acknowledgment is not
in the prescribed form, or where the official character of the
officer taking the acknowledgment has not been certified to
as required by law, or where the conveyance has not been
witnessed to or sealed as required by law, shall be and the
same are hereby made valid to all interests and purposes as
if the said conveyance had been acknowledged, certified to
Deeds, mort-
releases, etc.,
made valid.