CHAP. 227
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the said Howard Turner,
James M. Sutton and George William Owens, hereinbefore
Oath to be
taken and
duties to be
appointed commissioners of said town, shall meet within
thirty days from the passage of this Act, and take the oath
of office prescribed before a justice of the peace for Kent
county, and organize as a board by the election of one of
their number as president, who shall act as executive officer ;
and appoint a secretary and treasurer, policeman, and a col-
lector of taxes and such other officers as may be found
necessary, and do and perform all things required or allowed
to be done by the Commissioners of Betterton under the
provisions of this Act; and they are hereby invested with
all the powers, and are to perform all the duties authorized
or required to be done by the commissioners of said town
under this Act, and shall continue in office until the first
election under this Act, and until their successors are elected
and qualified.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the president of said board
granted cer-
tain powers.
of commissioners, by virtue of his office as president shall
have all the jurisdiction and powers of a justice of the peace,
except as to the recovery of debts, and may call upon any
officer of said town entrusted with the receipts and expendi-
tures of public money for a statement of his accounts as
often as he may think necessary. He shall see that the
ordinances of the board are duly and faithfully executed, and
shall report annually to the board of commissioners, at their
first annual meeting, the general state of the affairs of the
town, with an accurate account of all moneys received and
expended during the preceding year, to be made public for
the information of the citizens.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of said
Time of meet-
town shall meet regularly at least once a month in the
months of June, July, August and September, and as often
during the remainder of the year as they may deem proper,
for the dispatch of business.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That said commissioners shall
Duties of com-
fix the compensation and fees of all officers appointed by
said board. They shall keep a journal of their proceedings
and enter the yeas and nays on any question, resolution or
ordinance at the request of any member.