in May, 1906, and annually thereafter, give notice of the
time and place of holding an election for commissioners of
CHAP. 227
said town, by posting printed notices in three of the most
public places in said town, and at some meeting of the said
commissioners prior to the said last Saturday in May, 1906,
and each year thereafter; they shall appoint three citizens of
the said town of Betterton to act as judges of said election,
who before acting as such shall take the general oath pre-
scribed by Section 6 of Article 1 of the Constitution of Mary-
land, and shall qualify in the same manner prescribed for
judges of State and county elections in the State; and the
said judges shall have power to appoint two competent persons
to act as clerks to said election, who shall qualify as pro-
vided by existing law for clerks of election, and shall per-
form their duties in the same manner as is therein pre-
scribed. The polls shall be opened at 2 o'clock P. M. and
Notice given of
close at 6 o'clock P. M. on such election days; and the said
judges shall within three days after each election notify the
person who shall have received the greatest number of legal
votes of their election, and shall make return of such elec-
tion, and shall deposit their polls as directed by the ordi-
nances of said board of commissioners, and the same per-
sons who shall respectively receive the highest number of
votes shall be the commissioners for the said town for the
ensuing year, or until their successors are duly elected and
qualified. And the elections held in such town shall not be
required to be conducted in conformity to the requirements
of Chapter 202, Article 33 of the Acts of 1896, or any
amendment thereto.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That if it shall happen that any
Hours of elec-
of the persons voted for and duly elected, shall from any
cause fail to qualify, then and in that place, the person
receiving the next highest number of votes shall be deemed
to have been elected, and shall be so informed by the judges
of elections, and shall thereupon be entitled to qualify as
one of said commissioners.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That in case of death, resigna-
Duties of
Judges of
tion, refusal to act or disqualification of any commissioner,
the remaining commissioners, not less than a quorum, shall
choose some person duly qualified and eligible, a commis-
sioner for the u n expired term.
Vacancy to be