CHAP. 196
Wicomico county, Maryland, be and they are hereby created
a body corporate by the name of "The Commissioners of
Body corporate
Willards," with all the powers and privileges of a body
politic and corporate, and by said corporate name may have
perpetual succession, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded,
in any court of law or equity, and have and use a common
seal and purchase and hold real, personal and mixed prop-
erty, and sell and dispose of the same for the benefit of the
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the bounds and limits of
said town shall be as follows: Beginning at the forks of Main
street on the south side of said town at a stone located at
Bounds and
limits of
the southwest corner of Clarence F. Dennis' lot; thence run-
ning north nine degrees and thirty-five minutes east two
hundred and twelve poles to a stone on the north side of
said Main street; thence north eighty-six degrees and thirty
minutes east ten poles to a stone on the land of William H.
Webb; thence south thirty-five degrees and fifteen minutes
east one hundred and ten poles to the north side of the B. C.
& A. Railroad; thence south eleven degrees east eighty
poles to a stone on west side of county road leading south-
east from the town of Willards to Gordy's old mill; thence
south sixty-seven degrees west one hundred and twenty poles
to a stone; thence south seventy-five degrees west fourteen
poles to place of beginning.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the legal voters of the town
of Willards who have resided within the above corporate
ers to be
limits six months preceding the election, shall on the second
Tuesday of April, in the year 1906, and every two years there-
after, on the second Tuesday of April, elect by ballot three
persons to be commissioners of said town, to hold their
office for two years from the date of their election and until
their successors are elected and qualified, and the service of
said commissioners shall be gratuitous and without pay.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the first election shall be
at some convenient place selected by the judges thereof ;
Where first
election shall
be held.
that the judges of the election shall be Wesley D. Truitt,
Grover L. Davis and George W. Truitt; that they shall
appoint a clerk; that the poles shall be opened at 9 o'clock
A. M. and closed at 3 o'clock P. M., when the ballots shall
bte carefully counted and the report filed with the commis-
sioners of said town, and certificates of election granted by