county, and the said constables shall have and exercise all
the powers and functions as a constable in Wicomico county,
and shall give bond and qualify as constables are now
required by law, and the County Commissioners of Wicomico
county aforesaid shall cause the assessable property in said
new district to be transferred to a new assessment book for
said district, and taxes shall be collected as taxes are col-
lected in other election districts of Wicomico county; pro-
vided, however, it shall not be lawful for the County Com-
missioners of Wicomico county to issue any license for the
sale of spirituous or fermented liquors within the limits of
said Willards Election District No. 14 to any person, firms
or corporations whatsoever.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 30, 1906.
AN ACT to incorporate the Citizens' Deposit Bank of
Trappe, Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Alfred Kemp, J. S. Chaplain, D. C. Kerby, C. B.
CHAP 190
Lloyd, C. E. Simpson, A. E. Welsh and W. A. Kerby, all
being citizens of the State of Maryland, and their succes-
sors, assigns and all such persons as shall hereafter become
stockholders in the company hereby incorporated, be and
they are hereby constituted and made a body corporate
and politic under the name and style of the Citizens'
Deposit Bank of Trappe, Maryland, and by that name
shall have perpetual succession, and be capable in law to
acquire, hold and dispose of property, both real and per-
sonal, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any
court whatever, to receive and make all deeds, transfers, con-
tracts and conveyances whatever, to have and use a common
seal, and to alter or change same at pleasure, and generally
to do, execute and enforce all and singular such acts, con-
tracts, matters and things as may be necessary or proper to
carry into effect the provisions of this Act, or to protect the
interests and promote the objects and designs of the com-
pany hereby incorporated.
Body corpo-