and the residence or character of workmen to be employed
by the contractor, and especially so far as may be practica-
ble, in the judgment of said commission, such reasonable
and lawful conditions as will tend to confine employment on
such work, in whole or in part, to permanent and bona fide
residents of the State of Maryland only; and provided, how-
ever, also that said commission, with the consent of three-
fourths of all its members, may itself do any part or parts
of any such work under such conditions in every respect as
it may prescribe, by day labor, whenever the chief engineer
in writing shall recommend that course; in which event the
said commission, in addition to its other powers in the
premises, shall likewise be authorized to devise, promulgate
and enforce such rules and regulations as will make merit
and personal fitness, ascertained by some system of open
competition or registration, or both, the sole tests of eligi-
bility for all positions or employments under its control
which it may see fit to embrace within the scope of said
rules and regulations, which, however, may be limited to
permanent and bona fide residents of this State; in any
particular any and all bids or parts of bids for any such
work or supplies or materials may be rejected; provided,
however, that all bids shall, before an award is made by the
board of awards under the provisions of said Sections 14
and 15 of Article 4, entitled " City of Baltimore," of the
CHAP. 132.
Public Local Laws of Maryland, and so soon as said bids
shall have been opened by the board of awards, be referred
to the said commission by said board for such consideration
and recommendations in the premises the said commission
shall see fit to give and make, which said consideration and
recommendations shall therefrom be given and made by the
said commission without unnecessary delay.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 23, 1906.
Bids referred
to commis-