SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said building committee
shall, as speedily as possible, procure and adopt plans and
CHAP. 122
specifications for building said high school building, and as
soon as said plans and specifications are determined upon
by said building committee they shall invite sealed proposals
by advertisement for a reasonable time for the construction
and completion of said work, which proposals shall be in
sealed envelopes, in care of the school treasurer of Dor-
chester county, addressed to said committee, and shall be
publicly opened on the day and at the hour named in said
advertisement; said proposals shall set forth the amount of
money for which the parties proposing will complete the
work and building according to the specifications and the
time or times at which payment thereof shall be made and
the time when said building shall be completed; and the
said building committee shall award the contract to the
lowest responsible bidder, giving bond to the State of Mary-
land, in such penalty as said committee shall determine,
conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract
Procure plan's
and invite
sealed pro-
entered into, reserving to them their right to reject any and
all bids; which bond shall be liable at the suit of the said
Board of County School Commissioners of Dorchester for
violation of its conditions; the said building committee is
hereby authorized and required to employ a skillful and
competent architect, under whose control and supervision as
to material and workmanship such work shall be done;
provided, however, that the entire cost of said building com-
plete, including said heating apparatus, shall not exceed the
amount realized from the sale of the present school house
building hereinafter authorized and from the sale of bonds
hereinafter authorized and directed to be issued for that
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said building committee,
Bond to be
upon entering into any contract, as mentioned in the pre-
ceding section, shall forthwith make report to the Board of
County School Commissioners of Dorchester county, fully
setting forth the terms and character of said contract and
the debts incurred thereby, which report shall be entered
upon the records of said Board of County School Commis-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of raising
the necessary money for building said school building, includ-
ing said heating apparatus, the building committee be and
Report to be