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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 15   View pdf image (33K)
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WHEREAS, It is believed that this is in contravention to
the spirit of the State Constitution; therefore,

Section 298 A. No person in Prince George's county, who

CHAP. 13

has been the sheriff thereof at the term next proceeding his
successor shall be eligible for appointment as deputy sheriff
under the sheriff who shall next succeed him; and if
appointed shall not be permitted to qualify as such deputy
sheriff, it being the intent of this Act that no person
charged with the collection and disbursement of funds aris-
ing from judgments rendered by the Circuit Court for Prince
George's county or any other Court in this State shall be
permitted by deputization to attend to and execute said busi-
ness, except in the performance of duties imposed on him
as former sheriff under the provisions of law in relation to
the said office as specified in Article 87 of the Code of
Public General Laws.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.

Approved February 16, 1906.


AN ACT to authorize the County Commissioners of Garrett
county to purchase or to acquire by condemnation a lot
of ground in the town of Oakland for the use of grounds
for a new county jail and court house.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-

Eligible for

land, That the County Commissioners of Garrett county be
and they are hereby authorized to purchase a lot of ground
in the town or Oakland for the use of grounds for a new
county jail and court house, or to acquire the same by con-
demnation according to the provisions of the Code of Public
General Laws of Maryland, Article 23, title "Corporations,"
and all rights, powers and privileges conferred by said
article upon corporations therein mentioned relating to con-
demnation of land is hereby expressly conferred and vested
in said County Commissioners of Garrett county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved February 16, 1906.

Authorized to
purchase or

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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 15   View pdf image (33K)
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