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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1454   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 61. An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
622 of the Act of 1898, Chapter 123, title "City of . Baltimore, "

sub-title ' ' Charter "....... ......... ........ ..................
No. 62. An Act to prohibit the laying of cobblestones or macadam
for street paving purpose upon York road, between North
avenue and the city line, in the city of Baltimore, without the


consent of the General Assembly of Maryland .................
No. 63. An Act authorizing the Police Commissioners of Balti-
more city to pay to Mr. William Frederick Gerwig, a former
policeman of the Baltimore city police force, a pension of nine


dollars per week .............................................
No. 64. An Act to prevent reckless driving on the public roads of


Anne Arundel county ...................... ........... ....
No. 65. An Act to add five sections to Article 21 of the Code of
Public General Laws of 1904, title " Conveyancing," to be known
as Sections 28 A, 28 B, 28 e, 28 D, 28 E, and to follow Section 28 of


said Article ..................................................
No. 66. An Act to repeal Sections 240 and 241 of Article 13 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of the State of Maryland, title
" Harford County," sub-title " Orphans' Court," and to re-enact


the same with amendments ...................... ...........
No. 67. An Act to declare the sanction and consent of the General
Assembly of Maryland to the bequest contained in the last will
and testament of David M. Brengle, late of Frederick county,
deceased, to the Young Men's Christian Association of Frederick


city, Frederick county, Maryland .............................
No. 68. An Act to authorize the County Commissioners of Calvert
county to construct a bridge connecting Solomon's Island with
the mainland, and to borrow money on the credit of said county
for the construction of said bridge, and to issue bonds therefor,
and to levy on the assessable property in Calvert county an
annual tax sufficient to pay said bonds when thev mature, and


to pay the interest thereon as it becomes due ..................
No. 69. An Act to repeal Section 101 of Article 3 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland, title " Baltimore County," sub-
title "Fish," and to repeal Section 102 of said Article 3 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title " Baltimore
County," sub-title " Fish," as the same was repealed and re-
enacted by Chapter 476 of the Acts of the General Assembly of
Maryland, passed at its January Session 1898, and to re-enact


said two sections with amendments............................
No. 70. An Act to repeal Article 1 of the Public Laws of Maryland,
entitled "Allegany County," sub-title "Dogs and Sheep," and
known as Sections 100 A, 100 B, 100 C, 100 D, 100 E, 100 F, 100 G,


100 H, 100 I, as enacted by Chapter 629 of the Acts of 1904......
No. 71. An Act to authorize and empower the Visitors of. the. Jail
in Baltimore city to contract with any person or corporation for
the erection of a workshop at the Baltimore City Jail, the same


to be paid for by the hire of its inmates........................
No. 72. An Act to repeal Section 168 of Article 18 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland, title " Queen Anne's County,"
sub-title "Fish and Terrapins," as enacted by the General
Assembly of Maryland in Chapter 594 of its Acts, passed at the
January Session, 1890, so far as the same relates to the tributa-
ries of Chester river, within the jurisdictional limits of Queen



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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1454   View pdf image (33K)
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